ヴァリス スタイル アライシング -I GTウイング GRスープラ
ヴァリス スタイル アライシング -I GTウイング GRスープラ
ヴァリス スタイル アライシング -I GTウイング GRスープラ
ヴァリス スタイル アライシング -I GTウイング GRスープラ
ヴァリス スタイル アライシング -I GTウイング GRスープラ
ヴァリス スタイル アライシング -I GTウイング GRスープラ

ヴァリス スタイル アライシング -I GTウイング GRスープラ

5.0 (2)


Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Luke C
Incredible Product & Service!

Sequential helped me source an equivalent to this intake for my BMW G42 M240i.
The sound is absolutely unreal mainly due to the removal of the stock resonated turbo inlet, which is shared with the Supra platform (B58). I've got a full straight piped exhaust system with 400cel downpipe, and you can hear this intake over it under boost. No videos online do it justice!
The customer service & knowledge from the team at Sequential also far exceeds their competitors, always have to support that! Delivery time was rapid too.
Special shoutout to whoever responds on Facebook & the team member who dropped my package off.
Thanks legends!

Rikash Singh
Great Sounding intake!

Such an easy install and great sounding intake! Would highly recommend looks clean and add a bit of oem+ to the engine bay. The intake resonator delete is a much have! love hearing the turbo spool even with the windows closed great sounds! (can hear it over the stock exhaust + catted downpipe with valves open). Delivery was super quick as well and dealing with Sequential was a breeze!


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